It has been another busy week in Jasper Room as the children continue to explore their interests of Reptiles. A few of the new reptiles that we introduced to the children were the “frilled lizard”, “flying snake” and “flying lizard”. We discussed the special types of qualities each of these cold-blooded creatures have to offer. The favorite one amongst the children was the “flying lizard”.
In this gym this week we played a game called “Swamp”, the children had to jump over the swamp that was filled with snakes, alligators, crocodiles, and lizards. Each time all the children cleared the swap, it got bigger and bigger until all the children fell into the swamp. This game was great for their gross motor development because as the swap got larger, the children had to use different techniques to get over the swap. They had to problem solve as they realized that standing and jumping with two feet wasn’t going to work anymore. They discovered that running and taking long jumps was the trick.