Jasper room has been very busy this week preparing for the transitions that will be occurring in the upcoming weeks, for some of our friends their Primrose journey is coming to an end. Next week we will be saying our goodbyes to Charlie, Bennett, Henry, Taylor, Bella, and Sebastien. It has been wonderful having these friends in both our Jasper room as well as part of our primrose community and they will be missed very much. To celebrate these new adventures all of our friends are about to embark upon, we have all decided to take a trip to the Ottewell Spray Park. This will be occurring on Tuesday, June 28th. Family and friends are more than welcome to join us, we will be leaving primrose at 8am sharp. Reminder to all our friends to bring a bathing suit, towel, water shoes and a backpack/bag to carry all of our things to the park in. We have also had transitions occurring in regards to new friends joining our room, Reid has moved up from sandstone and we are all very excited to have him be a full time Jasper friend, alongside him Clara and Lucas will soon be joining us as well in the coming weeks.
With the weather warming up outside, we have also explored more of our neighbourhood with walks and discovering new pathways. Soccer tournaments in the backyard as well as countless games of chase have been one of the highlights of our week, watching the children develop their gross motor skills of controlling the movement of the soccer ball as well as displaying the properties of dodging and controlled trajectorial kicks have been tremendous. Alongside all of these activities we have continued to expand on the concept of trajectory through indoor programming in which we have built mini catapults as well as creating a new weaving project. Lastly we ended our week using our lovely singing voices in music with Dawn followed by our Friday dance party. We all hope you have a lovely weekend! 🙂