This week in Quartz room we have been doing a lot of sensory exploring, first we played in the orange colored water with funnels, tubes and big eye droppers! We got very wet and messy, very quickly. We than decided we wanted to do some painting, so we laid a giant piece of paper on the floor and supplied the children with eye droppers and paint, we encouraged them to squeeze the paint into the eye dropper and spread it all over the sheet to make a beautiful group painting. The next thing we decided to explore was bubbles, so we filled up a plate with water and dish soap, than we took 3 different types of water bottles and produced bubbles out of those! We had one regular water bottle, we took the other water bottle and cut off the bottom of it and the last one we put one small hole in the bottom. It was such an exciting new way to discover bubbles! It was messy and fun, the bubbles were easier to pop this way, so we all took turns trying to create and pop the biggest bubbles!
We were noticing a lot of the children finding small spaces in the classroom to go in and out of. We are wondering are they interested in hide and seek, light and dark, or just that they are able to move in such ways that allow them to get in and out of small spacess.. This is what we are going to start provoking next week, what are the differences between light and dark and how can we utilize small spaces?