We are happy to welcome new and returning families to Primrose! It is great to see all of the children and we are looking forward to this being an awesome year! Primrose is now full enrollment and we are loving our new building! Classrooms are reflected of each child’s age and interest. We are sad to say “See you later” to Teacher Alix, Morgan and Kaitlin. Each one is off to Europe. Morgan is utilizing her degree and teaching in the UK. While Kaitlin and Alix begin gallivanting in Europe to explore what the world has to offer. We are very happy to introduce Erin into Sandstone and Neha into Jasper classroom. Each educator has had different experiences working in different classrooms and have experience working in the Reggio way. Lastly, Kaitlin and Paulette will be returning back to work in the next couple of months. We are so proud of our work community!
Last reminder – please park in the designated parking spots for Primrose! Thank you!
BIGNEWS!!! We want to formally invite you to our Grand Opening, on September.30 from 2:00 – 4:00 . Come join Ottewell Terrace and Primrose for refreshments and a short program. This is our opportunity to get to know the whole community and what surrounds us daily. If you would like to come RSVP to primrose@telus.net.