“How does he know where to go?”
We have been working hard last week creating different things to send home. Each child has picked their own materials and begun working hard at creating something special to them, many mentioning how this will be for their family. We see excitement in the children as we talk about delivering real mail. We have talked about how we will need to put our addresses so the mailman knows where it goes. Some children ask what an address is, some know it means where they live, overall we are trying to understand that with an address that is how the mailman knows where to take their special deliveries. Through this exploration children may see the connections made through pathways, seeing the evidence of dropping the mail in the mail box and then receiving it at their home. Us educators are wondering what kind of comments and questions children will bring to us once they get their special pieces of mail in their own mailbox at home. In the Alberta Curriculum framework the idea of belonging comes up, an idea that children should have the opportunities to form connections between the centre, home and broader communities (PPP, 2014, p.95). Through this piece of mail we hope children begin to see how closely things are connected and how just like our bodies travel from home to primrose, so can mail. It is an exciting adventure that we are looking forward to taking with the sandstone children next week. We will be delivering mail on Wednesday so please be aware that you should be receiving mail late next week.
As a reminder, if possible please leave a swim suit for your child at the center. We like to spontaneously decide to go to the splash park based on the weather and all the children enjoy this activity so much!
This week we would also like to wish Elliot a very Happy 3rd Birthday! Thank you for bringing in cupcakes for all your friends to enjoy.
Hope you had a wonderful weekend
Michelle and Paulette