Jasper Room has been very busy exploring all different types of buildings this week. We have used many different mediums to create buildings in the classroom. On the light table we built towers using letter blocks and then practiced spelling our names with the blocks. We used clay and play-doh to build castles in the art center and we also used paint to draw castles on paper. Our big field trip is coming up soon! During morning meeting we discussed what we will be doing on our trip and what we will be going to see. We also made sure we went over all of the important safety measures!
In other exciting news the Jasper friends drew their self portraits this week. Every school year Jasper Room creates a series of four self portraits. We draw in September, December, March and June. It is always amazing to see how far the children’s fine motor drawing skills, as well as attention to detail, come in the course of a year. Please check out our portraits hanging above our lockers! Next week we will be collecting materials to build castles using recycled materials. We can’t wait!