This week we took a dive way down deep in the big blue ocean and explored what was under the water. We started our week by putting on our thinking caps and brainstorming. We started our brainstorming by creating a list of all the different sea creatures we could think of, we even came up with some very interesting ones like the angler fish and the giant squid. After we had our list we learned two new words, characteristics and habitats. We thought about the animals on our list and came up with a list of physical characteristics that deep sea divers have and a list of places they might live. After we were done we each drew our favorite ocean animal. We continued to extend our learning over the week by watching a video about whales eating krill and then adding “krill”, whales and nets to our water table. We also had a chance to get a little messy by creating fish using our handprints, glitter, jewels and colorful paint.