This week in Jasper Room we finished up our Space explorations, we learned so much over these last few weeks about space and the planets that make up our solar system. We were shocked to find out just how much our Jasper Friends already knew about space, they had some pretty intelligent insights about space and some pretty hilarious insights as well. Today we had a big celebration about space to end our big idea and come back down to earth. One way we are celebrating is eating some special treats and food, but what do we think astronauts eat? Well we asked the children this question and here were some of their replies.
Harry- “Chicken”
Wyatt- “Chocolate candy”
Bennett- “Hot dogs”
Sebastien- “Sharks”
Talin- “Monkeys”
Lauren- “Fish”
Emily- “Pizza on a floating table”
Katrina- “Marshmallows & chocolate bubble gum”
Norah- “Chocolate hearts & lollipops
Ada- “Waffles”
Finn- “Baby sharks and chocolate eye balls”
Amelia- “Ice Cream”
Oriana- “Smarties”
Marisa- Dirt and worms/ Chocolate chips”
So we narrowed our very specific list down and voted on having hotdogs for snack and we will be sending the children home with special food space bags!! Our next big idea we are going to start discovering is colossal play, meaning: extraordinarily great in size, extent, or degree; gigantic; huge. Expect to see some huge explorations and experiences coming your way because our ideas are going to be ENORMOUS!!!!! Have a wonderful weekend