As we continue our exploration into land animals we have begun to make connections between the habitats of warm and cold blooded creatures. The children have begun to make observations about how there are some places, such as the North
and South Pole, that cold blooded animals can’t live. They have identified that numerous warm blooded animals, such as seals, polar bears, walrus’ and penguins, can survive the frigid temperatures but lizards, frogs and other cold blooded animals need warmer temperatures. Continuing on this thread of thought we began wondering if there were places where both cold blooded and warm blooded animals could live. After thinking and discussing the children discovered that the jungle and the rain forest are both habitats that allow for both types of animals to survive side by side. We expanded on this new discovery by creating a jungle mural with paint and then drawing our own jungle animals to cut out and staple to our mural. The children enjoyed creating snakes, birds, tigers, lions and spiders to live together in their jungle.