This week in Jasper Room….

Transformation has played a key role in our Jasper community in the past week. We were able to once again move back to our room after our little visit in the rec room. Along with the move back came a brand new room. We have transformed our space with the help of the children, making…

This week in Quartz Room….

We are so lucky to be surrounded with such a beautiful and caring neighbourhood. This week we went on two walks.  One walk lead us to a park and another lead us to a raspberry patch. Because the park was 7 blocks away, we used many strategies to keep the children motivated. The large assortment…

This week in Shale Room….

A Day in the Life of a Fish Around Our Snack Table! All of our friends in shale had a busy, fun week. One particular memory stands out in my mind. It was a balmy Tuesday afternoon, when the children woke up from a restful nap and headed for the snack table. On this particular…

This week in Sandstone room……

Sandstone is on the move again! We have been going to the park and exploring different kinds of equipment that we were at first a little nervous to try. We climbed the big rock and jumped off onto the sand. Petra and Estella seemed to be having so much fun doing this together because they…