General News

Earn your volunteer hours in one shot, come join us tomorrow (Saturday, July.26/2014) to help at the temporary location. 7211 96A Ave. Need all the help we can get! Starts at 9:00 am! Join us when you can. LUNCH PROVIDED.

Jasper Classroom This Week

Roar!!!! Did you know that the Quetzalcoatlus Pterosaur Dinosaur had a wing span of around 10 meters; that’s 35 feet. This has been one of the favorite amongst the children of the flying dinosaurs that we have been exploring. This week we have discussed and explored the very interesting flight properties and wingspans of these…

Shale Classroom This Week

This week in Shale Room, we were able to meet our new friend, Cybil, who will be joining us in August!  We are very excited to have you here in Shale Room with us, Cybil!  We have continued our exploration of the outdoors and nature and are still finding so much to learn.  Painting has…

Quartz Classroom This Week

This week in Quartz room we have expanded lots with our light and shadow concepts and have started really provoke the children and ourselves with questions about light and shadow. Take a minute one of these days to look around the room and see all the new documentation put up about our light and shadow…

Sandstone Classroom This Week

This week in sandstone…… We continued to explore colour in fun and exciting ways. Emily went to the library and borrowed a large variety of books all related to colour. We have been lucky to read many new and exciting stories. One of the favorites is Mouse Paint, this story explores mixing primary colors to…