This week in Quartz room….

The children have been especially interested in camping this week! They have been talking about exploring inside a tent, and have been immersed in collecting wooden sticks. Yesterday, it was amazing to see the children all explore the big blue tent that was set up in our outdoor play space. They were lying down, and seemed to enjoy this relaxing part…

This week in Jasper room….

Last week, the educators made a blue, golden glittery conditioner dough that smelled like root beer.  The children mashed, cut and shaped the dough, turning it into cotton candy, pizza, erasers; it was awesome!  The experience led to a discussion about what colours are “supposed” to smell like. Curious children that we are, we started…

This week in Shale room….

This week in shale we started leaning more and more towards the play idea of “Water”. We are and will be exploring different ways water maneuvers, different colors we can make by mixing water and mixing things within the water, such as bubbles and goop. We set up ramps with different types of balls, bells…

This week in Sandstone room….

This week we explored the pathways paint takes when we use different materials to move it. We started off with exploring simple brush strokes, we have done this in the past but I sat with the children and we talked about the different lines we could make with the paint. We noticed how we could…