This week in Jasper Classroom

Another summer week has past here in Jasper room. It’s been awfully quiet as a lot of our friends are on summer vacations! Our exploration into creepy crawlers has took quite a turn. Thanks to Theo’s love for ghostbusters, our small group of Jasper friends have transformed themselves into a group of ghosts experts. We’ve…

This week in Sandstone Classroom

What a great week we have had in Sandstone! This week we moved onto another part of our inquiry into movement on an incline. We tested out different substances on different surfaces. We tried glue on tin foil, this was difficult as the glue was very thick and slow to come off our q-tips. So…

This week in Quartz Classroom

This week in Quartz we have been experimenting with challenging our boundaries…. We are working towards ensuring our bodies are staying safe and our toys are being respected. With the constant changes that has been occurring over the last month, be it vacations and missing educators or watching our friends move up and welcoming new…

This week in Shale Classroom

What a wonderful week in shale! With Paulette and Laura on vacation we got to enjoy some company by Sue and Emily, they are our enhancement teachers. This week we did some painting with our fingers, dinosaur exploration with sand, water play with animals that like or live in the water. We did some practicing…