Primrose Families!

Dear Families, This letter is to inform you of some exciting changes coming to our daycare! First, Jennifer will be starting her one year of maternity leave starting June. 1 in which Whitney will be training and becoming the Assistant Director. Second, Marisa is leaving Shale classroom and taking the Family Support Coordinator position. Lastly,…

This week in Quartz Room…

Wow! What nice weather! The children are super excited to go outside and find all the puddles! We really think this is the perfect opportunity to expand on vocabulary and messy play! Another experience the children enjoyed this week was car track painting! They love to  make the cars go super fast and then super slow through the…

This week in Shale Room…

This week went by quite quickly! We have been enjoying the change in season as the weather warms up and the snow melts! We went on walks through our neighbourhood and made a visit to the Ottewell Park where we had fun climbing and sliding and swinging! This week we continued our In and Out…

This week in Sandstone Room…

This week in sandstone room we explored our messy side! From playing in the mud and puddles in our yard, to exploring cornstarch and water in our sensory bin, to painting with different objects, we have gotten very messy! The children have enjoyed exploring these new sensory experiences. With the weather getting warmer, this is…

This week in Jasper Room…

This week in Jasper Room, we focused on the concepts of carrying and lifting. We created a weight scale on which the children could weigh different objects and balance them thereby learning the law of gravity. The children were also very excited to experience our two tiered sand table which once again focused on the…