We need you, your friends, and your family!

Mark it on your calendars! Our Social Night Out and Silent Auction will be on April.9 at 5708 75 street – Sportsman’s Club! This event is a major fundraiser for our center! At this time we are also seeking donations of items and services from businesses and individuals. We thank you in advance for all your help…

This week in Quartz…

This week in Quartz room we enjoyed seeing everyone after our long weekends! We have moved on from natural light onto man-made light. We will be exploring what we can do with flashlights, glow sticks, and how man makes light through electricity. We have also been exploring different materials to make art more exciting, like…

This week in Sandstone…

This week in sandstone we continued to explore movement in liquids. We created a two tiered water table and added different layers of buckets. This was huge excitement for the children! We brought spray bottles outside and created art on the snow with the coloured water. We also went to the manor to spend time with the…

This week in Jasper…

Welcome back Jasper friends, we hope you all had a wonderful long weekend. This week we welcomed Kerry to our room due to Teacher Sarah being sick all week long. We wish her a speedy recovery and are excited to see her on Monday. This week in Jasper room, we continued our focus on the…

This week in Shale…

Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed your Family Day! This week in Shale was short, but sweet! We continued our ongoing exploration of In and Out in brand new ways! We practiced our hand-eye coordination by scooping and pouring using small and large spoons, as well as weaving straws through the holes of a colander.…