This week in Quartz Room…

The children are still really interested in Movement songs and have the ability to follow many instructions when the movement songs come on. Some of the children really like to do tip toes, skating, and galloping. They are really enhancing there gross motor skills and becoming master movers. They also had the opportunity to paint…

This week in Sandstone Room…

Ramps, ramps, and more ramps! This week the children explored many types and sizes of ramps. They explored making their own and what creates more speed, which cars have the best momentum, and what objects roll the fastest. This exploration has increased the children’s wonder and curiosity. A small group of children also went to the…

This week in Shale Room…

Sensory exploration is one of the most basic concepts children understand at such a young age. During this week Shale room continued to explore different textures, play dough and clay and how they were different. Most of the children were interested in poking and prying these materials. Perhaps they are trying to figure out how to mold these…

This week in Jasper Room…

It was quite a relaxed week in Jasper with a lot of learning happening in small, intimate groups. We’ve continued our exploration in the actions of dumping and pouring and added the actions of rolling and sliding. As many of you have noticed, our tables have been shape-shifting in all directions to explore how things…