Jasper This Week

We missed teachers Morgan and Marisa this week in Jasper room, but it didn’t stop us from continuing on our Prehistoric adventures. We started exploring trees! Slowly we have started making our 3D family tree, which you can find in the far corner of the room. We also have been taking interest in going to…

Quartz This Week

What an interesting week in weather! Practically summer to winter and spring all over! We have watched the clouds, snow rain and sunshine all week! As well, an amazing week in discovery and learning. Emily and Jen have been exploring a colour inquiry project with the children. So far they have explored the colour green:…

Sandstone This Week

Happy Easter everyone! This past week has been a whirlwind of castle adventures! We used recycled materials to build our own castle after we looked at pictures of real castles. Check it out above our lockers! We used bid boxes to build huge towers! Some Sandstone children thought to stand on the couch to be…