Jasper Classroom This Week

Let’s welcome our Grant MacEwan student Paulina. Paulina has just finished wrapping up a week of field placement and will be coming back to implement new things, enhance programming and come back at the end of March  for four weeks. We are wrapping up exploring space, planets and constellations and moving onto exploring Colossal play.…

Quartz Classroom This Week

Well yet another great week in Quartz room! We would like to say welcome to Shelby, our student teacher from Grant MacEwan. The children enjoy having her around:) She has joined us this week to build relationships with the children, but will be leaving for a short while. She will be joining us again for…

Sandstone Classroom This Week

Happy Valentine’s Day! Today in sandstone, we are so excited to be celebrating the day with pyjama day! We are looking forward to decorating and eating the cookies that were brought for us! We are also going to be eating pudding and drinking juice boxes in our pj’s. What a day! This week we have…