General News!

Hello Primrose Families Its been a busy but fantastic week here at Primrose. Just a few reminders – Please check the lost and found box by the front door, its starting to overflow with lots and lots of clothes and winter wear – We will be open on Christmas Eve (Dec 24th) from 7am-3pm. –…

Jasper Room This Week!!!

Ho! Ho! Ho! Happy Holidays! We have been very jolly and festive in Jasper Room this week! We read a few new books about the holidays, one new book we read was called “Santa is coming to Edmonton”, and the book mentioned how Santa was reading the letters to him from the children from Edmonton.…

Sandstone Classroom This Week!!!

This week in Sandstone Room, we have been getting ready for Christmas! With Christmas less than a week away, we are definitely getting into the Christmas spirit! We spent this week making special snowmen ornaments with our handprints that we can hang on our Christmas trees. We are so excited to be able to share…

Quartz Classroom This Week

This week we have decided to move along from cause and effect, and moving on to our new big idea: who am I? We will be exploring who we are at daycare, at home, and within our community, as well as who is involved in our lives. We will be asking later on for photos…