Sandstone Classroom This Week

Lots of exciting changes in Sandstone this week, we have rearranged the room! We decided to make more defined spaces within the room and since then, we have noticed the children have been utilizing the materials in the room a lot differently. They seem to be more interested in the house corner area and the…

Jasper Room This Week

Jasper Room have been Knights of the round table this week! Early in the week we looked at pictures of how kings and queens dressed hundreds of years ago. We were surprised to see that Kings wore leggings and huge long cloaks. Or as most of the children revered to them, capes. We learned that back…

Quartz Classroom This Week

This week we have decided to conclude our exploration of opposites/in and out and move on to the discovery of cause and effect. The children have been very interested in watching the consequences of their actions. Some are quite positive, others, well…. We are all still learning! Our largest focus this week is what we…