This Week In Quartz Classroom

We have been on an adventure and it just keeps on getting better! This week we arrived at our new center and we couldn’t be move excited for all the opportunities that have been upon us! The children gained a lot more responsibility this week for snack – they got to pour their own milk, get their…

This week in Sandstone Classroom

This week in sandstone we finally moved into our brand new facility! The children  were all so very excited to see our new classroom and some new toys that we added. We have a great time playing in our new play space outside and will enjoy our new rec room as well. This week we also…

This week in Shale Classroom

This week was a busy week for us in shale room! We welcomed the new centre! The children in shale have been moving around in their new space exploring there new toys and the new changes in our room. We have been traveling around the neighborhood exploring what surrounds us in our strollers and exploring…

This Week in Jasper Classroom

The long awaited moment has finally arrived! We have made it to our permanent home and we couldn’t be happier. This week in Jasper room was all about exploring the space. We have many new materials in the block corner, new food in the house corner, and a new quiet corner that the children seem…

News from the office

I just want to update all the families about how wonderful it has been to move into our forever home! The educators spent the whole weekend creating inviting classrooms, interesting setups and are adjusting to the new home! We have eliminated all the transitions from our previous homes and I can see the children participating for long…