This week in Sandstone Room

This week in Sandstone, we welcomed our new teacher Cassi! Cassi has joined our team in Sandstone and we are so excited to get to know her! Through our time outside, we have been exploring all of the weather changes that have been happening. On the sunny days, we have noticed that there are all…

This Week in Jasper Room

This week in Jasper room we continued exploring superhero’s and even made our own capes with stickers and tape! Its really funny how each child can transform into role playing just by the touch of a costume! We also had the opportunity to read some very interesting books. One of the interesting books was Questions, Questions. This…

This week in Quartz Room

This week has been full of excitement! Here in Quartz we have been learning how to help our new little friends discover the room, who they are as a Quartz friend, as well as who we are in the room. It has been an adjustment to having such little ones for some of the other children…