This week in Quartz Classroom

This week in quartz classroom we have topped our interest charts this week with birds, feathers, and flying. While we go on outdoors explorations we have been bird watching. We just recently started looking at all the different kinds of birds that live in Edmonton. On the more creative side we have been exploring our…

This week in Sandstone Classroom

This week we have continued our exploration in under water sea life. We read “Rainbow Fish”, and expanded on it by making our own rainbow fish! We will be adding them to the aquarium that we have started in our room. The younger children have exhibited interest in mostly whales, dolphins and sharks. Some of…

This week in Jasper Classroom

It has been another busy week in Jasper Room as the children continue to explore their interests of Reptiles. A few of the new reptiles that we introduced to the children were the “frilled lizard”, “flying snake” and “flying lizard”. We discussed the special types of qualities each of these cold-blooded creatures have to offer. The…

This week in Shale Classroom

This week in Shale classroom we took advantage of this warm weather and took some walks outside and took in the fresh air, Kiera and Kaitlin definitely got a work out while trying to push that stroller through the snow! We went for a walk to go look at the progress of our new center,…

Just updating…

We are very excited that our website is now up and running and we can share to you our classroom experiences and any upcoming news! If your wondering why our classrooms ceilings are looking a little bare the fire marshal came in and told us to take all the stuff down due to safety concerns.…