Exciting news for the early learning field!

I just want to educate parents and families out there about the exciting news in the early learning field! Recently in Alberta they have developed a curriculum framework for children 0 – 5 years of age. It is an exciting time and they are currently in phase 3 of the development with the government. This…

This Week In Sandstone

Georgia and Hudson are now in our classroom and we are so excited to see them grow into preschoolers. Our friends have had many opportunities to explore dramatic play and are always found in the house corner, or playing mommy and daddy, or puppies. Its really fascinating watching children transform into different characters and see…

This Week in Jasper Room

This week in Jasper we have been busy exploring and going on different adventures! We’re exploring the idea how superheroes transform. During this process we asked each Jasper friend what super power they would like to have and we traced their bodies in superhero poses. We also got to bring toy day back! We started a bucket…

This week in Quartz Classroom..

What a week! We have been super busy here in Quartz room! From baby exploration, to playing dress up, and a little bit of of everything else in between, these children have been on their toes, and keeping us on ours. We have been learning and exploring new songs for our morning meetings, and have…