Sandstone Classroom This Week!!!

This week in sandstone we continued to look at castles and castle play. We have been reading plenty of princess and prince books and learning new songs. We brought in a listening centre with plenty of exciting books for the children to listen to. They are really loving listening to stories with their special headphones.…

Quartz Classroom This Week!!!

This week has been such fun! We have been exploring colour mixing and making new shapes with play dough and cookie cutters, texture and colour with water beads as well as water colour and crayon painting. Shelby has been exploring coloured bubble making, scent jars, and nature walks with the children. We all have been…

Jasper Classroom This Week!!!

This week in Jasper room we welcomed teachers Morgan and Marisa back from their holidays! Paulina made binoculars with some friends in order to go bird watching outside. They even brought bird seed out to the trees and my friends got to try and feed some birds! Some Jasper friends also made dinosaur fossils using…