What We Need


We encourage volunteer involvement from parents, students and community members to help with different programs, social functions and building maintenance. Volunteers are also invited to join various committees.

Board Members

The Centre is administered by a volunteer board of directors made up of parents of children in the centre and interested members of the community. The board meets monthly and often members participate on a sub-committee level as well.


We respect parent time and energy.  As a result, we focus on one major annual fundraiser — the St. Patrick’s Day Social Night and Silent Auction. Parents are asked to seek out donations from  places where they work, shop, play, etc. We then host a silent auction that raises money for extra equipment and supplies for our centre.

Companies and organizations that donate items are listed on our Primrose Place website. Parents are urged to support these businesses that support us. PLUS you will often find new services, restaurants and businesses that you may not yet have had the pleasure of knowing!

Every second year, Primrose Place parents and their families and friends are called upon to work a casino. This is a very major source of funds for Primrose.

Corporate Support

We are a non-profit agency and a registered charity. Tax deductible receipts are issued for donations. We are constantly seeking ways to reduce costs, while still maintaining our high standard of care. We ask for your support in the following ways:

  • Provide corporate sponsorship and/or donations
  • Make corporate employees aware of Primrose Place Family Centre
  • Provide services that the Centre can benefit from
  • Provide food, clothing, maintenance, equipment and/or discounts to assist us
  • Contribute through a Charitable Giving Fund where the company matches the dollars that you donate e.g. United Way, TELUS Charitable Giving Foundation