Happy Canada Day! I hope everyone enjoyed their day off and had fun celebrating Canada’s birthday!! Even with a break in the middle, this week has been very busy! To start off the week, some of us did some painting, but this wasn’t any ordinary painting, we used pinecones instead of paint brushes. It was really interesting seeing how each child used the pinecones, some children dipped one end and painted that way while others rolled the pine cone in the paint than rolled it on the paper. To extend on our sensory play, we made GAK which is white glue, water and borax mixed together and explored that! We first brought kitchen appliances to the table to enhance the play with the children. It was fun pretending to use the GAK as different types of food, some children pretended to bake cookies, pies and cupcakes while others separated the GAK and put pieces in the ice cube trays. The next time we played with the GAK we included play dough materials, such as different textured rollers, cookie cutters, rolling pins and plastic cutters. While some of the children were playing with the GAK, others were building a marble tower! They all took turns rolling different colored marbles down a big tower they all built out of some colorful tubes. What a busy week! It has been lots of fun getting messy and exploring and discovering different textures and feelings! We hope you have a wonderful weekend and try to keep cool in this heat!